The demand for teachers is currently very high throughout Saxony. This trend will continue for at least the next eight years. 

From a regional perspective, recruitment opportunities are particularly good outside the metropolitan centres of Dresden and Leipzig. 

In terms of school types, demand is currently focussed on secondary schools, vocational schools and special needs schools. The school type you apply for must be based on the school type applied for in the equivalence procedure. 

In terms of specific subjects, there is a particularly high demand for teachers in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and foreign languages at all secondary schools. For vocational schools, there is a particular need for recruitment in the industrial and technical fields, such as metal and mechanical engineering as well as electrical engineering and information technology. 

You can find more information on demand here (in German). The best way to find out about current recruitment opportunities in Saxony’s schools is to go directly to the application portal