Du willst deine Bewerbung für den sächsischen Schuldienst abgeben? Dann klick hier für mehr Infos.
Your salary will depend on whether you have partial recognition as a teacher and still have requirements to fulfil (e.g. studying a second subject) or whether you have full recognition and have the same status as a teacher who qualified in Saxony.
If you have partial recognition as a teacher with requirements to fulfil, you will be placed in pay group E 10 level 1 to E 12 level 6.
If you have full recognition and the same status as a teacher who qualified in Saxony, you will be graded at E 13 or A 13.
Further information on salaries (in German) can be found on the website of the Saxon State Office for Taxes and Finance and on the website of the Public Service Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federal States.